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Business Payroll Accounting

Payroll that’s easy to use and seriously smart.

Managing payroll may not seem like a critical task until something goes wrong.  It can be time-consuming, but, more importantly, it requires a good knowledge of the tax laws and deposit rules.


Payroll is often one of the most time-consuming tasks that businesses have to deal with and it involves much more than just giving out paychecks. There are always changes to payroll tax laws and tax forms and documentation that you will need to keep up with.  As a business payroll accountant in Union , NJ, it can be challenging to keep up with all of these tasks. In addition to paychecks, a professional payroll service can help generate the payroll forms that you require, file your payroll tax returns and more in order to help you keep your business running smoothly.


For any business to be successful it must have an accurate payroll. If your employees are being paid more than they are owed, then you are losing money; if they are not being paid enough, then they are not receiving what they deserve.


Automatically files your payroll taxes.


Employee savings and access to emergency cash.


Benefits and timetracking built right in.


Unlimited payrolls.Clear pricing. No surprises.

☑ Local taxes — Filed
☑ State taxes — Filed
☑ Federal taxes — Filed

Payroll taxes


Your payroll taxes filed


We don’t just calculate your taxes, we file them with the right government agencies every time you run payroll.


Other providers charge for this — with us, it’s included.

You may be asking, "why should I outsource my payroll?"

One of the most important reasons, as stated above, is to have assured accuracy. The laws governing payroll and its execution do change and it is hard to find time to continually research the subject. The laws for filing taxes for payroll are even more fluid and changing, necessitating even more research.


There is also a financial advantage to outsourcing your payroll. Hiring a permanent staff member to do your accounting will cost significantly more than hiring KelliWorks to perform the task for you. Alternatively, if you, the business owner, handle payroll, then you understand that it takes up no small amount of your time. By freeing yourself from this task you can focus on other aspects of your business.


Payroll Processing Services for Small Businesses

Our payroll services are designed to provide you with a comprehensive solution for managing your payroll duties. With our services, you will only need to provide your employee data, such as the hours that have been worked, employee address information and other related details. Once we receive the data, we'll handle the rest. Let's start up a conversation, call us now or request a free consultation to learn more about how our Union, NJ CPA firm can help with your payroll needs.


  • Direct deposits

  • Preparation of 1099s

  • Unemployment claims

  • Customized payroll reports

  • Worker's compensation audits

  • Preparation of W-2's and W-3's

  • Federal and State payroll tax filings

  • Weekly or monthly accounting summaries

  • Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly payroll processing


If you have any questions about the payroll services we offer the businesses of Union, please give us a call at (888)875-4555.




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