Tax Tools & Financial Calculators
All tools provided by CalcXML and the IRS
Check the status of your refund. Find the proper forms for your tax preparation.
When will you receive your refund? The answer depends on how you filed your return. The IRS should issue your refund check within six to eight weeks of filing a paper return. If you chose to receive your refund through direct deposit, you should receive it within a week. If you use e-file, your refund should be issued between two and three weeks.
You can check on the status of your refund by clicking on the links below.
Important Tax Dates for 2020
IRS official tax dates you need to stay on top of your taxes.
Due to the Coronavirus national emergency, the IRS has extended deadlines for individuals and businesses as part of the tax relief plan.
Altered dates:
Federal income tax return deadline: July 15
Federal income tax payment deadline: July 15
Quarter 1 estimated tax payment deadline: July 15
Optional suspension of OIC payments: July 15
Optional suspension of installment agreement payments: July 15
Unaltered dates:
Quarter 2 estimated tax deadline: June 15
Individual taxpayers can file a tax extension if more time to file is needed beyond the new July 15 deadline.
2020 Federal Legal Holidays
January 1 – New Year's Day
January 20 – Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday
February 17 – Washington's Birthday
May 25 – Memorial Day
July 3 – Independence Day
September 7 – Labor Day
October 14 – Columbus Day
November 11 – Veterans' Day
November 26 – Thanksgiving Day
December 25 – Christmas Day